CFHT is committed to protect the privacy of our donors and users of this website. The information received is kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third party/individual. This privacy policy addresses any concern related to your privacy and confidentiality.

Information captured

The personal information which uniquely identifiable to you collected on website like Name, Email, and Mobile/phone number shall be kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with any individual/third party. However CFHT will use the same to share updates, alerts and events related information using phone calls, SMS, Emails, Voice messages, videos related to but not limited to marketing activities of organisation time to time with an option to opt out facility.

Donor Details

While making your support using or by signing the donation form, you would provide the essential information like your name, mobile number, address, phone number, date of birth, gender, age, PAN, Bank name, account number, card number, card holders name, expiry date, donated amount, the information that is not generally available in public places will be kept confidential and secured. The security is provided by CFHT and transaction facilitators.

Bank and Card details

CFHT is committed to ensure the utmost care while handling the sensitive information shared by the donors and shall not disclose to any third party/individuals. Your bank details, account number, card number and expiry date that are not otherwise publically available, will not be shared with any individual/third party. The security is provided and protected by our transaction facilitators.

Related sites

CFHT is not responsible for the privacy of users other than its own website.

Privacy of our email lists

Individuals who join our mailing lists via our website or through our campaigning engagements are added to our email database. We do not sell, rent, loan, trade, or lease the addresses on our lists to anyone.

Personal Information

Personal information like your Name, donation amount, mobile, phone number, PAN, date of birth and email address submitted to us shall be kept confidential and limited to the uses of resource mobilisation team only.

The information shall be secured and not be shared with any third party/individual other than the exclusive campaigns for resource generation. CFHT will sign the confidentiality clause with each of the service provider who all shall support its resource generation activity.

CFHT understand that by providing your personal information either on website or by signing the pledge/campaign forms you authorising us to communicate your using Phone calls, SMS, Email, Voice calls, Videos related to our alerts/activities not limited to marketing initiatives.

You may opt out from our communication list by calling at -+91 – 9911168904 or by email at